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A-Toys , through its e-commerce website, www.a-toys.it, is directed exclusively at professional customers. The customer agrees that the purchase takes place only for professional, that is relevant to their work. The ratio of A-Toys and customers will therefore be governed by regulations to protect consumers, including in particular D.Legislative Decree 185/1999 (distance contracts), D. Decree 50/1992 (right of withdrawal), D. Decree 24/2002, L. 126/1991 and art. 1469 et seq. of the Civil Code. It ‘also to be considered excluding any other form of agreement to the terms and conditions different from if you do not agree with A-Toys in writing.

A-Toys is not responsible for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, arising from late or non delivery of the products, from any inaccuracies in the descriptions of the products listed on the site www.a-toys.it or documentation in general. In addition, A-Toys is not responsible for any other circumstances not directly attributable.

Orders will be considered valid only if submitted via the Internet directly on the site or via fax, e-mail address and accepted by the marketing department. We can receive orders by phone too, but in this case A-Toys will not be responsible for any inaccuracies regarding the order.

The prices published on the site www.a-toys.it are expressed in Euro (€) are per package and include VAT. About packaging, where no amount appears, we will pack a piece. Prices do not include shipping costs unless otherwise agreed between the parts or concessions on the part of A-Toys . The prices are valid at time of order and for products in stock, but are not considered as binding for. A-Toys will have the right to cancel the order at its own discretion and / or agree the variation in the prices themselves.

Access to lists published in www.a-toys.it site is subject to the registration procedure, which involves filling out the online form and send in by fax or by e-mail a public record to date, with date no earlier than 6 months after submission. A-Toys reserves the right to remove access to lists retailers in its own discretion and at any time.

On-line Transactions
Only the customers already registered with email and passwords can sign in A-Toys and may make purchases online by submitting orders through the site www.a-toys.it.

A-Toys agrees to deliver promptly the material covered by the order, based on availability. The goods travel on behalf of the customer, so A-Toys is in no way responsible for delivery time courier who was entrusted with the shipment.

Shipments, unless otherwise written accomplishment, will be made with the courier of A-Toys . The goods are at risk of the customer, so A-Toys is not responsible for any theft or loss by the carrier even if the goods are shipped prepaid.

Risk and ownership
The goods, unless otherwise agreed, shall be sent carriage paid by charge on the invoice. Upon delivery the customer must verify the integrity of packages and correspondence with the quantity and quality as specified in the transport document and report on the courier documents relating to any significant shortages and / or non-compliance. Those findings will be reported by fax to A-Toys within 24 hours. In case of withdraw to A-Toys store, verification should be carried out immediately on withdrawal of merce.

Payments for individual deliveries must be made within 3 days from submitted order. If payment is delayed beyond the time, it will be deleted.

Any complaints or disputes on invoices will be accepted only if they are received by A-Toys by registered letter, fax or e-mail within eight days from the date of receipt of invoice.

The returns can be applied in two different cases:
1. In the event of failure of A-Toys entering the order, the shipment or delivery;
2. Within ‘hypothesis in which A-Toys decides at its own discretion, which is in agreement with the client to apply a more favorable framework for the customer. The goods are delivered ex our warehouse in Naples. The material travels at the risk of the customer even if postage. Any complaints can be accepted only if notified by registered letter, fax or e-mail within eight days from the date of receipt of the material. After this period, lapses every right to protest.

General conditions of acceptance of returns
Acceptance of returns is subject to the following conditions:
• Invoice showing the number of reference A-Toys , customer number and a clearly motivation;
• products are not damaged;
• packaging and labels intact, or under the same conditions of supply;
• products not purchased under a promotion, even if it made total;
• products made not later than one month from the date of receipt of goods.

In the event that the manufacturer’s warranty is provided directly by the customer, the customer, for making claims, should contact the manufacturer and not A-Toys .
The A-Toys points out that some products could be considered medicinal in some EU countries accordance with their internal regulations; declines any and all liability, where the same are offered for sale by unauthorized persons.

According to Law 31/12/1996 n. 675, the customer acknowledges that the “personal information” disclosed and / or exchanged, even when informative prior will be handled pursuant to the effects and the purposes of art. 12, paragraph 1, letter b), c), d) and f) of Law 675/96 and subsequent amendments and additions.



The conditions contained in this document may be changed without notice and will be valid from the date of publication in www.a-toys.it site.


How to Contact Us
Whatsapp: (+39) 3515000163
E-mail Address: info@a-toys.it

Under Articles. 1341 – 1342 Civil Code the customer claims to have read all the articles of the Conditions of Sale and specifically accepted the clauses of the following items: 2) Responsibility, 4) Prices, 8) Shipping, 10) Payment, 14) Warranty, 15) Privacy Personal, 16) Jurisdiction, 17) General.

For further information write to: info@a-toys.it

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